Saturday, November 6, 2010

Halloween Fun in 2010

This was the first Halloween we celebrated as a family! Isaiah was Eeyore this year, I was a cowgirl, and at the last moment i convinced Brian to dress up too. The only costume we had that he could fit into was an inmate costume! He hated it, but i love him to pieces for doing it for me. He wouldn't let me take a picture of him in his costume though...goofy guy.

How cute is he!

Corn box fun

Mr. Handsome enjoying the swing

Look at that belly!

To celebrate this year we went to Linder Farms out in Kuna, ID. We went a couple weeks before Halloween to "get into the spirit." It was a lot of fun for little kids. They had a a swing that Isaiah just couldn't get enough of, a corn box, and there was a little barrel train he liked too.

Brian and I, especially Brian, got really into the corn maze! With Brians determination we found all 12 checkpoints so we got some free popcorn. YUMM! Of course there was a punkin' patch where Isaiah got to pick out his own pumpkin too! He is such a big boy and such a blessing in my life, i couldn't ever get enough of him! 
Brian studying the corn maze map...
The Saturday before Halloween was Boo at the Zoo. We thought that would be a fun place to take a curious toddler.

Finally, on the day of Halloween we decided to try out the nearby malls. We heard some of the stores passed out candy. It was a lot more work than intended but still Isaiah enjoyed getting some candy. After we went around the malls we met up with Lauren, Brians sister, and we went around a neighborhood with her...all in all we had a great time!


  1. Oh my heck girl! Your blog is so cute! I love it-keep up the good work!!

  2. I LOVE your blog! I'm having so much fun reading it!
